
'Cause I Can't Paint

I’m a Graphic Artist, have been for a little over 40 years. The profession used to be
called “commercial art” which is a better name I think, it’s creativity and art purposed
for advertising and commerce.
Creativity on demand is difficult, taxing even the most enthusiastic of my tribe, and I was 
looking for a side hustle to help me recharge my imagination and feed my creative soul.
I really wanted to paint. I have an Instagram gallery of hundreds of paintings that I love. 
I look at them and say “I can do that." But I can’t for some reason, no matter how hard I    
try. Stephen Pressfield calls this “The Resistance,” a common thing that happens to all     
creative people. It’s the invisible force that stands between you and your goal and says 
flatly, “You can’t do that.” And sadly, we believe it. 
So I decided that if I can’t paint on canvas, I’ll paint with words.
I started writing for the school newspaper when I was 17. I never thought much about 
it, I just liked telling stories and there were lots of stories to tell. I didn’t much like English 
class though, it always frustrated me how they insisted students break down sentences.
Is it simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex? That didn’t matter to me nearly
as much as it did to my instructors.  
All I’ve ever cared about is, is it honest and interesting? Does it sound right? Does it place 
you in the moment and move you?
My observations were not well received by the English Department, so I got an average grade. 
And because grades are the standard way to define your future path in life, I figured I was not 
suited for the profession of writer, or journalist or whatever.
In college I found my calling when I discovered graphic design. I enjoy everything about design
and advertising, and have worked on a gazillion accounts in multi-media for agencies and clients 
all over the place. My clients are amazing and I love the work. 
But I need to create something that’s all me. 
So I started writing again and my process is still not to think too much, just write, and believe that 
what comes out is what’s supposed to. And someday, those words will get me to a place where I 
can finally paint. Then, who knows…
So I invite you to enjoy my stories and let me know what you think!

our team
Photo by Noah Shannon
David Flynn
Graphic Designer, Professor, Writer
Wanna get in touch?

Vim et dolore eligendi voluptua, qui id unum quas omittantur, at sed justo tation eligendi. Assum accommodare an mei. Sonet propriae partiendo ad vix, ex vis epicuri constituto incorrupte.

144 N 7th St. #536
Brooklyn, NY 11249
United States
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